Why you should visit Nairobi

There are various reasons why you should visit Kenya, but have you known the main reason as to why you should visit Nairobi? Here we have more than enough reasons for you to visit the city under the sun, Nairobi.

Last minute cancellation of trips due to slow processing of visas can be very disturbing. Often, it leaves you with no choice on which city you should travel. Sometime back, I had such an experience and wondered which place has a fast visa processing time.

As I searched for the best countries to visit, Nairobi was among the list. However, I did not have sufficient evidence for myself or for you as to why you should visit Nairobi back then. Notably, the visa was processed within hours.

In such case, let us take our amazing clients through the reasons why you should visit Nairobi.

 10 Reasons why Nairobi should be the City you explore

Among the many reasons on why you should visit Nairobi, below are ten reasons I have compiled for you to visit this city under the sun.

  1. The coolest people of Nairobi

Try Nairobi significant events and have time to interact with the people. Smile, laugh and listen to their stories. Nairobi people are very funny and worth spending time with.

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In fact, their stories are very memorable. Learn about the Kenyan culture and know how they speak. Most Nairobi residents talk “sheng” also known as slang.

The sheng culture is a key product in the leading list of the reason on why you should visit Nairobi. Interact with Nairobians and have a chance to learn the city’s language.

  1. 2. The city safari

Inside the Nairobi national park is an event we call the Nairobi safari. Here, there are all types of wild animals. From giraffe to zebra, lions, buffalo et.al. In fact, Nairobi National Park is about 30 minutes’ drive from the town and we can assure you that this is the best experience you can have in the city.

In fact, if you happen to stand on the rooftop of one of the Nairobi towers, you can spot some giraffes in the city. Notably, Nairobi is no doubt the best city to be.

  1. The East African Hub

Nairobi is listed as one of the biggest regional cities in Kenya. Moreover, a lot of other countries’ have their embassies located in Nairobi. The reason we mention Nairobi as the best cities to go for is the diverse kind of cultures you will find there.

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Landing in the Jomo Kenyatta Airport will keep you amazed by the type of different people you see there. In fact, you will discover frequent flights from Zanzibar, Uganda, Ethiopia, and Uganda.

If you have been looking for a mind-blowing stop-over, then Nairobi is the place.

  1. Movies and the amazing outlook

Have you watched the video, NAIROBI HALF-LIFE? Ever watched the film Out of Africa? Well, these are perfect movies that explain the story of Nairobi and gives you a highlight of why you should visit Nairobi.

If you feel you need to know what happens in Nairobi, then visit Nairobi and the fun will be so good for you.

  1. The luxurious hotels in Nairobi

For a tourist visiting Nairobi, make a point to travel the welcoming luxurious hotels in the city. Just to mention but a few, visit Safari park hotel, Weston hotel, villa Rosa Kempensky, Utalii hotel and intercontinental hotel among others.

Interact with the Kenyan waiters who are always and your beck and call waiting to serve you. Feel free to ask for the best delicacies of Kenyan foods.

Mimiko, Ugali, Nyama Choma and Githeri should be the foods you ask the city. Sounds yummy, right? The gastronomy should be in your delicay list of why you should visit Nairobi.

Hangout areas in Nairobi city.

Try the buzzing serene areas of Nairobi. Nairobi is a city filled with a cultural design from clothing to drawings. Visit Westland’s in Nairobi and make the cool guys from the estates.

Feel free to pop into one of their hotels and bars that are always full to capacity. Also, visit the ghetto of Nairobi and feel the other side of Nairobi. They love calling tourists MZUNGU. Don’t get bothered, interact with them and enjoy taking photos with them.

  1. The Nairobian music

Feel the taste of the Nairobian music. Storm into one of the clubs and feel the sensation of the Kenyan music. In fact, it will keep you dancing and very energized.

Feel the magical moments as you munch some Nyama Choma. Find the street children in the city of Nairobi dancing the everyday dance style in Nairobi called the Odi Dance.

  1. The forests in Nairobi

Visit the Karura forests of Nairobi and feel the serene environment of Karura forest. The forest is a perfect example of a spotting area where you can have a chance to play all the games you like.

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Meet different tribesmen in the forests and hang out in the woods. Karura forest is the main reason why you should visit Nairobi. Also, you can carry your camera with you and take photos of this scenic areas.

  1. Adopt the elephants

Just next to Giraffe Centre is the wildlife conservation area. Here, you can have a chance to interact with calves whose parents die. The calves are nursed and treated before being released to other wild elephants.

You can log into the elephant orphanage’ website and know the visiting hours to have a chance to visit the animals. If you have the cash, you can opt to adopt one elephant for 50 dollars. Sounds great, right?

  1. The Nairobi fascinating culture

Just after you land the city, you will note the diverse kind of dressing. Different fashionistas highly review fashion in Nairobi as the best in East Africa.

Get the Maasai Kikois and him Kitenges that keep you colorful and outstanding. If you want to see this kind of culture well, visit Bomas of Kenya and watch the fantastic insights of the Kenyan culture.

  1. The Nairobi security system

If you are looking for a city that has maximum security that ensures you are safe. Make a point to visit Nairobi and you can perform any business even during the night.

Make a point and walk in the serene destination of Nairobi at night and get the best experience out of Nairobi.


Summing up the analysis as mentioned earlier, visiting Nairobi is one of the best places you shouldn’t miss. Take your family and friends for them to experience the love it brings.

Watch the great city at the famous times tower and see the cleanest town in East Africa. If you feel visiting the today of the town, book with Serene Destination and lets us take you there.

Finally See: Tour Planning Process