Welcome to the best guide of Masai Mara National Reserve Kenya, which is the eighth wonder of the world. This article delves into one of the best national reserves in Kenya by showing you why Masai Mara Africa is the best reserve and wonder of the world.  The article will further give you the best of Masai Mara National Reserve safari, show you the top Hotels in the Masai Mara National Reserve, and guide you on the best attractions, conservancies, and weather for the best Masai Mara National Reserve experience.

Masai Mara Interesting Facts

  • Wildebeest Migration factsheet
    During the months of wildebeest migrations, the yellow savannah is dotted black by more than 1.5 million wildebeest, Zebra and antelopes that migrate form the Serengeti onwards into the Masai Mara in search of food, water and as part of their mating and birth cycles.
  • Masia Mara History Factsheet
    For lovers of archeology, there’s evidence of early human settlements including pottery and arrowheads left behind from the Neolithic era.
  • Masai Mara Lions Factsheet
    The Mara is abundant in lions as currently there are estimated between 800 to 900 lions including the conservancies surrounding the core reserve.
  • Mara Cultural Factsheet
    Did you know that Africa remains home to the last surviving cultures and traditions in the world? Maasai People live in communities that aren’t anywhere in the world.From their nomadic lifestyle, identifiable maasai clothing and jewellery, body modifications, patriarchy, their Maa language, traditional dances and singing, religion, houses, cattle and their locally constructed houses.
  • Naicef Mara Experience Factsheet
    Did you know you will never go wrong with Masai Mara if you are looking for the best African bush experience?Naicef banks on Masai Mara as the best place to see all the big five, have the best thrills in the wild, great cultural contact, world class hotels, foods, weather, panoramic savanna views and much more.

Where is Masai Mara Located?

Masai Mara National Reserve Kenya is located in South West of Kenya in a place called Sekenani, Narok County. It is in the Kenya Great Rift Valley and adjuscent to Serengeti National Park in Tanzania.

How Big is Masai Mara National Reserve?

Masai Mara National Reserve has an area of 1,510 sq kilometers.

Mara being adjacent to the Serengeti National Park, it forms the great Mara-Serengeti Ecosystem. The Masai Mara National Reserve comprise four ecosystems as listed below;

  1. Masai Mara National Reserve: this is the famous greater mara.
  2. The Mara Triangle: adjuscent to the greater Mara just past the Mara river.
  3. Masai Group Ranches: these are private ranches helping conserve the great Masai Mara wildlife.
  4. Masai Mara Conservancies: these are also private but big on conservation strategies from private organizations coming together across the greater Mara and Mara Triangle to promote quality experience and wildlife conservation.

The Masai Mara Ecosyste offers the best experience for a true African tour.

Experts who know the reserve by heart will guide you around while giving you the interesting facts of one of the most beautiful and popular game reserves, not only in Kenya but also in Africa.

In Masai Mara National Reserve, get ready to be amazed at the African Savannah, open plains, acacia woodlands, and dramatic Masai Mara safari especially when it is wildebeest migration season.

You got the best moment to spot stealth hunters, stalkers, sprinters, and grazers and engage in a second-to-none Masai deep culture.

The National Geographic channels that is the  NatGeo has been showing this dramatic African wildlife in this popular wildlife sanctuary and we help you get to see it in action.

Naicef Masai Mara National Reserve experience leaves you in awe and steals your heart. Thats why in swahili we always say karibu Masai Mara, karibu Kenya. Meaning welcome to Masai Mara, welcome to Kenya.

Masai Mara National Reserve History

Masai Mara National Reserve was originally established in 1961 as a wildlife sanctuary when the Narok County Council took over the management of the reserve.

In 1974, Masai Mara National Reserve acquired national reserve status. Later in 1976, Mara size suffered a blow where the total land size was reduced to the current size of 1,510 square kilometers.

This national reserve is named in honor of the Masai tribe who are the main inhabitants of the region.

Moreover, Masai Mara National Reserve is relied on by the Masai tribe to sustain their cattle as well as earn a living from their powerful culture.

The Masai tribe are tough pastoralists and fierce warriors who protect and show commitment to their land.

Quick Facts about Masai Culture

The Masai tribe in Mara forms the foundation of the greatness in Mara due to their powerful culture.

These are the best basis that make the Mara reserve an honor to the visitors other than the animals. below are a few quick fun facts about masai culture;

  1. Masai Cultural Lifestyle: the maasai people are born and live as pastoralist. Their day is characterised by raring and feeding their livestock from one grassland to the other. Similarly, their lifestyle is a pure happy life whereby a man can marry as many wives as they can manage them. This is evident in their homesteads around cultural maasai villages we take our visitors. Interestingly, their culture of a young man killing a lion to become a man better known as Moran is just fascinating. However, this cultural norm is being faced out to give way to Lions conservation.
  2. Masai Dressing: the maasai community is one of the best dressed in Kenya. So how do maasai culture dress? Maasai culture dress checked red fabrics Kanga that they wrap around them with some nice African beads. Their dress is the best souvenir you’d carry away if you ever visit Kenya.

    Masai Mara, Masai mara national reserve, Masai Mara Africa, Masai Mara national reserve Kenya, Hotels in Masai Mara national reserve

  3. Masai Foods: the maasai food is like that of a lion. Blood and meat. Surprisingly, they are known to be healthy due to the raw blood and semi cooked meat they enjoy. The maasai also consume local herbs that comprise their vegetable diet. Milk is also a major delicacy to them.
  4. Masai Housing: the maasai houses are called Manyatta houses. The manyatta is a small curved house made of mud, cow dung, and some intertwined sticks. A manyatta house has a small door and window. Surprisingly, the manyatta house is made by the women because men and boys role is to graze the cattle and bring meat and milk.
  5. Masai Man of Valour: masai men are known for their tough African man valour and power. Due to their native old culture of killing lions to be a man, these men internally believe they are strong and so most at times some ladies confess so. Our close observation can confirm that a most young and old foreign white lady visitors are leaving their palatial homes to marry to a Maasai man. We need to investigate the reason.

Masai Mara Africa Map with Conservancies

Below is a map of Mara ecosystem and the conservancies around this great destination.

Masai Mara Map

Masai Mara Weather

Come rain, come sunshine, Mara serves you its climate mood depending on the time you visit. However, the Masai Mara altitude causes its climate to be cool and wet. But what is the ideal Masai Mara Africa weather?

The weather in Mara is cool and dry but during the rainy season, it is wet. Below is the Masai Mara by monthly seasons.

Masai Mara Weather by Month

The Masai Mara National Reserve weather is favourable for an impressive Safari all year round. However, this guide will help you pack for the safari. Below is the weather overview of Masai Mara Africa;

January – February: expect an incidental rain shower. These are the dry months. Pac a few warm clothes.

March-May: these are the rainy seasons with April being the most wet month. The terrain can be very slippery and therefore we recommend a great Landcruiser for this season. Pack more warm clothes.

June-August: the weather in these months are sunny and dry with small amounts of rain showers. Pack moderate warm clothes.

September- October: expect occasional rain showers although it is mostly dry. Early morning drives can be chilly. Pack moderate warm clothes.

November-December, these are the lightest months of the year and so, only rain showers are expected.

Masai Mara National Reserve has two rainy seasons; The short rains in November to December and the long rains in March to May.

Therefore, in these months, pack warm clothes although Kenya cold seasons are not so low like in Europe or America. The weather in rainy season range from 14 degrees to 20 degrees.

Masai Mara Entrance Fee

The entrance fee to Masai Mara Africa are as follows;

  1. Adult Non-residents: USD 200 per adult from July 2024.
  2. Children Non-residents: 50 USD per child from 9 to 17 years effective July 2024.
  3. Children up to 8 years of age will enjoy a FREE entry.
Country of Origin Category Amount Effective Date (From)

(Outside East Africa)

Adult (18+) 200 USD July 2024
Child (9-17 years) 50 USD July 2024
Child (Below 8 years) Free

(East Africans)

Adult Ksh 4,500 July 2024
Child (9-17 years) & students Ksh 2,000 July 2024
Child (Below 8 years) Free
Kenyan Adult Ksh 3,00 July 2024
Child (9-17 years) & Students Ksh 1,000 July 2024
Child (Below 8 years) Free

Maasai Mara Camping Fees

Inside the Masai Mara Africa, there are both private and public camps. Below are camping rates and prices for Masai Mara National Reserve. 

Category Non-residents
 Public Private
Adult USD 30 USD 40
Children & Students USD 20 USD 20
  East Africa Residents
Public Private
Adult KES1,000 KES1,500
Children & Students KES200 KES 500
  East Africa Citizens
Public Private
Adult KES1,000 KES1,000
Children & Students KES 200 KES 200

Masai Mara Vehicle Entry Fee

Different vehicles sizes and capacities have different vehicle entry fee to Masai Mara. Below are the Masai Mara vehicle entry fee:

Capacity Vehicle Entry Fee
Less than 6 seats KES 400
6-12 Seats KES 1,000
13-24 Seats KES 3,000
24-44 Seats KES 4,000
45 Seats and above KES 5,000

Further, different trucks have different truck entry fee to Masai Mara Africa. Below are different truck entry fee to Masai Mara:

Size Entry Fees
1-3 Tons KES 700
4-7 Tons KES 2,500
8 Tons and above KES 3,500

For independent risk travellers that travel to Mara alone, there is security provided at a fee. The main role of the security rangers is to provide security not to offer professional guiding services.

We recommend you get Naicef professional tour guide for an optimal safari experience. However, below are Mara rangers charges.

Duration Rangers Fees
Game drive (+6hrs) KES 3,000
Game drive (-6hrs) KES 1,500
Full night camp security KES 4,000

Masai Mara National Reserve Attractions

The mara ecosystem provide the best attractions for anyone seeking a true African experience.

These wildlife include both nature and wildlife attractions that will catch your eye and steal your heart, with breathtaking spectacular viewing.

Below are the top attractions in Masai Mara National Reserve:

1. Great Wildebeest Migration

Masai Mara Africa is known for the great wildebeest Migration across Mara River from Serengeti.

The reason wildebeest migrate is to look for greener pastures across the region.

When the grass is green on the other side, over 2 million wildebeests and Zebras cross the Mara River from Ngorongoro national park to Serengeti national park and cross to Masai Mara National Park to the other side.

It is amazingly thrilling to see zebras and wildebeests jump the dangerous crocodile saturate Mara river. The giant crocodile hunt down and tear thousands of the weak zebras and wildebeest to turn the river waters red.

The best time to visit and see the great wildebeest migration is from July to October.

An indescribable action especially when there’s sightings of the migration passing the Mara River, escaping the Nile crocodiles who are awaiting to get their grab for a nice meaty meal.

2. Masai Mara Big Five

Do you know the big five of Kenya? The big five of Kenya are Lions, Leopards, Elephant, Rhinos, and Bufullos.

Why are they called the big five of Kenya? It is because they were considered the big five hardest animals to hunt in the traditional African culture when men went hunting for food.

Luckily, Mara offers you the best opportunity to see all the big five. Below are the big five of Kenya as found in Mara:

  • Lions:  lions Masai Mara wildfact give you the best opportunity hunting in the plain savanna.
    The best place to see African lions is in purely in the Mara in the wildebeest grazing savanna. Thats why we say you will never go wrong in the Mara.
  • Leopards: In Mara you will easily find the leopards near the rivers and animal cross zones. More often, leopards hide on trees. therefore search in cool areas that have trees.
  • Rhinos: rhinos are rarely seen but with some good luck, it is easy to find them in Mara without a strain.
  • Elephants: elephant are the easily big five to see in most Kenyan National parks. Similary, it is easy to see elephants in Mara.
  • Bufallos: Bufallows are most common wild animals to find in Kenya. they are hundreds of thousands across Kenya despite them being the most dangerous wild animals.
    You will find herds of a few hundreds across Mara and in most national parks.

3. Ol Kinyei Conservancy

Ol Kinyei is the largest conservancy in Masai Mara National Reserve and located at the centre of the reserve.

The conservancy gives you a quality experience to see the wild animals. While in Mara, ensure you enjoy this wildlife gem.

4. Hot Air Balloon in Masai Mara

The Masai Mara Hot Air Balloon gives you the best breathtaking experience.

From an Eagle’s view while in this balloon, you will see the entire Masai Mara national reserve topography and the best of reserve.

The flight is super safe and lasts for an hour or more depending on the weather.

One of the best things you’ll enjoy is the coruscating sunlight that flashes over the sky, observing the rays of the sun rise spread all over the balloon basket.

The balloon take off from 5 Am. The hot air balloon takes you close to nature to get beautiful photos and videos, spot the spotted Mara since that’s where the name mara comes from.

The catch in the Masai Mara Ballon Safaris is the interesting bush champagne served and the awesome breakfast after the ballon flight.

5. Maasai Cultural Tours

Naicef thrives in blending wild savanna experience with the best of maasai cultural tour.

We take you to the best villages to hear, bond and experience the best of maasai cultural stories, dances, foods, lifestyle, manyatta and all the best of African cultural true living.

Masai Mara National Reserve Activities

With Naicef as the best tour operator in Kenya, be certain to explore the best of Masai Mara National Reserve and engage in the best activities in Mara. Some of the best activities in Mara. Some of the best activities include:

Game Drives

Game drive is the main activity to enjoy in Mara among other major African wildlife protected areas.

Masai Mara National Reserve is among the few protected areas in Kenya that not only has one of the best Safari. Here is a perfect and the best package for Masai Mara Safari

Guided walking safaris & Nature Walks

These are rare experiences led by Masai warriors or park rangers for anyone to experience the beauty of nature on foot.

Hot Air Balloon Safari

This is an unmissable experience you need once in a lifetime. You do not want to miss this, especially in the morning sunrise.

Cultural Tours

When it comes to culture, the Maa got you. Raw and authentic set of traditions that will blow your mind. Their craft is very beautiful. Consider having one on your body or in your house as a décor or gift to someone special because they are very beautiful.

Horseback Safaris

In rare moments you can enjoy the best of horse back safari to capture the best of the savannah while on top of a horse.

You’ll feel like Texas except you won’t find tumbleweed in Masai Mara.

Bird Watching

There are 570 species of wild birds, many of which are immigrants. More than 50 birds in the park, including eagles, storks and vultures, comprise the Mara’s abundant birdlife. Bring your Binoculars along.

For enjoyable activities, know what to wear on a safari

Masai Mara National Reserve Accommodations

Hotels in Masai Mara national reserve range from luxury safari lodges, eco-friendly, mid-range camps & lodges, budget, private villas and self-catering accommodations.

Luxury Masai Mara Accommodation

Masai mara luxury accommodations hosts top-notch and premium amenities and services that provide an unforgettable experience.

These luxurious accommodations in Masai Mara include;

  1. Mahali Mzuri
  2. Governor’s camp
  3. Angama Mara
  4. Mara Serena Safari Lodge
  5. andBeyond Bateleur camp
  6. Cottar’s 1920s safari camp
  7. Fairmont Mara Safari Club
  8. Elephant Pepper camp
  9. Sanctuary Olonana etc.

Budget Masai Mara Accommodations

Mara comes with premium features like the luxurious facilities that provide comfy stays with good service and access to the wonderful wildlife viewing opportunities.

Some of the accommodation facilities in Mara include:

  1. Mara Sarova
  2. Mara Sopa lodge
  3. Mara leisure camp
  4. Keekorok lodge
  5. Fig tree camp
  6. Mara river camp
  7. Ilkeliani camp etc.

Eco-friendly Masai Mara Accommodations

For tourists who are focusing on sustainable living, Mara has the best ecofriendly accommodations that are, are very responsible, very cute, and very mindful of their ecological footprint. Some of the best Mara eofriendly accommodations we can help you experience include;

  1. Basecamp explorer Masai Mara
  2. Kicheche Mara camp
  3. Elephant Pepper camp
  4. Porini Lion camp
  5. Mara Naboisho camp
  6. Saruni Wild
  7. Cottar’s 1920s safari camp
  8. Encounter Mara
  9. Rekero camp
  10. Emboo River Camp etc.

Private Villas in Masai Mara National Reserve

Private villas are the best choice for families and small groups who prefer a more private and intimate setting. some of the best private villas in Masai Mara include;

  1. Mara Bush Houses
  2. Cottar’s Bush Villa
  3. Mara Plains Camp
  4. Richard’s River Camp
  5. Alex Walker’s

Self-catering Accommodations in Masai Mara National Reserve

Self catering accommodations in Mara offer a home away from home experience. They are designed in a way that you have everything you need.

They give you the freedom to plan your meals as you wish. some of the best self catering accommodation in Mara include:

  1. Oltepesi Mara Camp
  2. Mara Springs Safari camp etc.

How can you access Masai Mara?

You can access the Masai mara national reserve by air via a number of airstrips.

Below are Masai Mara Airstrips

  • Mara Serena Airstrip
  • Kichwa Tembo Airstrip
  • Ngerende Airstrip
  • Ol Kiombo Airstrip
  • Keekorok Airstrip

Several airlines operate in these airstrips and include SafariLink and AirKenya which operate several times a day.

You can as well access Mara by road. Mara is 270 kilometers from Nairobi and s 4 to 5 hours from Nairobi to Mara.

Masai Mara National Reserve Gates

Masai Mara National Reserve has 6 gates positioned for effective accessibility to the reserve.

The six gates of the Masai Mara National Reserve are;

Sekenani Gate: It is the most famous gate for people arriving in Mara from Nairobi.

Oloololo Gate: it is in the North Eastern part of the reserve.

Oloolaimutia Gate: it is on the Eastern side of Mara.

Musiara Gate: it is opposite the great Mara River.

Talek Gate: it is on the North Western the oldest and well-developed gate

Sand River Gate: It is the main gate bordering Serengeti National Park. It is the gate that is mostly done by guests who do safaris both in Kenya and Tanzania.

Masai Mara National Reserve Conservancies

There are a number of conservancies in Masai Mara that promote quality community based wildlife conservation.

The best conservancies in Masai Mara include:

  1. Mara North conservancy
  2. Mara Naboisho conservancy
  3. Olare Motorogi conservancy
  4. Mara Triangle conservancy
  5. Ol Kinyei conservancy
  6. Olderkesi conservancy
  7. Olarro conservancy
  8. Lemek conservancy
  9. Enonkishu conservancy
  10. Ol Choro Oirouwa conservancy
  11. Nashulai Maasai conservancy
  12. Pardamat conservancy
  13. Mbokishi Mara conservancy
  14. Olerai conservancy
  15. Mara Ripoi conservancy
  16. Oloisukut conservancy
  17. Enarau conservancy
  18. Nyekweri Kimintet conservancy
  19. Isaaten conservancy
  20. Orpua conservancy
  21. Maasai Moran conservancy
  22. Nyekweri Oloirien conservancy

You can see more information on Mara Conservancies in this great ecosystem.

Masai Mara National Reserve Sustainability

Naicef is a leading tour operator promoting tourism sustainability. We monitor and prompt sustainable tourism in Mara and across the region.

Potential strategies we use to promote sustainable tourism in Masai Mara include;

  • Community-based tourism
  • Conservation education
  • Responsible game viewing
  • Supporting local businesses

Adopting sustainable practices in the Masai Mara National Reserve can meet the needs of the people, benefit the planet, and gain profit from sustainable practices.

Therefore we encourage you to travel with Naicef to promote Mara sustainable tourism.

For every Masai Mara National Reserve safari you take with Naicef, you impact Sustainable tourism through the environment and the local community.

For the best Masai Mara National Reserve Safari and Package, contact Naicef.com or write to my@naicef.com or +254799922277