Naicef Sustainable Tourism
Naicef Sustainable Tourism

Join Sustainable Tourism

Naicef offers you a chance to travel and make an impact through Sustainable Tourism. We are tourism professionals that understand travel offers the best chance to change the world for better. We offer all our travellers an option to contribute to sustainable tourism in the following ways:

1. Environment:

  • We offer all our clients a chance to voluntary plant a tree or contribute to planting a tree. Our partners are contracted to manage all our trees.
  • We offer all our clients a recyclable water bottle instead of travelling with pick & drop plastic bottles that harm the environment. 

2. SocioEconomic:

  • We offer all our clients an opportunity to voluntary educate a vulnerable child. We have partnered with institutions with Vulnerable children to educate and feed them while in school.

You can join this program by Voluntary Donating 10% of your package fee to any of the above Naicef sustainable tourism projects.

We further offer you a voluntary opportunity to visit and physically participate in any of the above project activity and touch the world in your travel.

This is Impactful Travel with a Touch of the world.

Don’t forget Naicef gives you a personal safe and secure platform to help you Save for Travel and we  update you with packages & destinations that fit your saved money Instantly.

Choose the Best Travel Saving package & We’ll show you where your Savings can take you for Travel & Sustainable Tourism.

See our sustainable projects.

Our blog seeks to create impactful awareness on all matters tourism. Naicef is the best tourism blog in Africa and the best travel and tour blog in Kenya. 

As the best tourist information centre in Kenya and across Africa, we give you factual travel and tourism tips to keep you on the know. 

We are driven by quality content, timely and insightful information to help you make the best travel decision. Feel free to consult us on any travel information.

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