Monthly saving plan, naicef tours naicef blog, naicef travel tickets,

Naicef Blog

Did you know your little unnecessary spending can easily and fast take you to your dream destination?

Naicef gives you a personal safe and secure platform to help you save and every monthly we update you with packages & destinations fitting your saved money.

Choose the best travel saving package & every month we’ll show you where your little savings can take you.

Our blog seeks to create impactful awareness on all matters tourism. Naicef is the best tourism blog in Africa and the best travel and tour blog in Kenya. 

As the best tourist information centre in Kenya and across Africa, we give you factual travel and tourism tips to keep you on the know. 

We are driven by quality content, timely and insightful information to help you make the best travel decision. Feel free to consult us on any travel information.


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